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Why Are My Heels Cracking And Dry?

Writer's picture: Foot & Ankle Specialists of AzFoot & Ankle Specialists of Az

What Causes Cracked Heels?

Cracked heels can happen for a few different reasons. These causes range from a job that requires a lot of standing, to medical conditions like hyperthyroidism and other causes. Some of the most common causes are open-toed shoes, dry skin, cold weather, harsh soap as well as medical conditions like heel spurs and athletes foot.

Can I Treat Cracked Heels At Home?

Usually, cracked heels can be treated at home with common remedies. Typically, a soak followed with moisturizing twice a day will get your heels back to what they were like before they were dry and cracking. You can also use a pumice stone or loofah to gently scrub your heels.

When Should I See A Doctor For My Cracked Heels?

So you have tried the home remedies and no success. If it has been over a week of home remedies with no improvement in your symptoms, it may be time to contact your podiatrist. Depending on the severity of your cracked heels, there are a few treatment options that your podiatrist will discuss with you to see what works best with your specific condition and lifestyle. Your doctor may recommend strapping, where your heel is supported by bandages to keep your skin from splitting further. Another option is skin glue, that holds your skin in place and allows it to heal. Debridement may be another option where the excess dry skin is cut away by a professional. None of these should be attempted at home, a podiatrist will be able to help determine the best course of action for you and your heels.

How Do I Prevent Cracked Heels?

Cracked heels don't happen overnight. Daily checks are one of the most effective ways to protect your feet and provide you with the best chances of prevention. Swelling, warm spots, pain, and numbness are some things to consider when you perform your checks.

Washing your feet everyday is also a great preventative tool to make sure cracked heels don't happen to you. By cleaning daily and drying your feet thoroughly it helps you keep an eye on anything that may be wrong with your feet. Protecting your feet from extreme temps, and keeping your toenails trimmed can help you too as you work to prevent cracked heels. Lastly, supportive footwear is crucial as you need to make sure your weight is properly dispersed and the pressure points on your feet (heel, balls of feet) are receiving support from your shoes to take the load of your weight as you walk throughout the day.

Navigating cracked heels can be frustrating and sometimes even painful. If home remedies haven't worked yet, don't hesitate to contact us today and start your journey back to happy and healthy feet. With over 5 valley locations we can help you wherever you are.


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